The “short videos” below are available to your business and entity organization. Each video is branded to your specifications. The videos can be licensed to you for any social media platform and internet usage. Let’s pray together today!
For more information about the availability of the “short videos” in this section for your organization, we invite you to visit Let’s pray together today! Thank you for visiting.
Prayer Resources
Request Prayer
Contact us with your praise or prayer request. Your communication will NOT be published, and will be identified to our prayer partners with ONLY your initials. We will NOT share location or contact info with our prayer partners.
Prayer Partners
We invite you to join with us. When we receive prayer requests, we will share the request with you via email (confidentialities respected). Our shared goal is to create a band of brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for requests that are sent to us.
We are available for prayer coaching events, prayer seminar events and various other events to encourage prayer within your church or a small group. Contact us with your ideas and thoughts. Currently no events are scheduled.
Featured Prayer Resources
About “Pray Together Today”
Prayer, Coach, Partner
Pray Together is located in the upper central area of the USA – reaching the English speaking areas of the world. Paul has the purpose to provide resources, coaching and encouragement to share with anyone that comes his way. Paul (and prayer partners) will always pray for your requests in the most confidential manner. Paul’s background is primarily an evangelical perspective, with extensive experience in ministry and media. Come on board!
Personal Prayer And Blessing For You.......
"May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace." Numbers 6:24-26